Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sydney to Cairns in 10 days... more to come

This is the historic Roto house in port macquarie A lot of the injured koalas brought in are hit by cars or get attacked by other animals. The hospital has a lot of volunteers and is not funded by the government. Its a free hospital to visit and it's mainly funded by donations from loving and caring travelers and people from all over the world. this looks like a big healthy fella
One eyed koala, think it got in a fight eye would say. Worlds oldest Koala, unable to move as much as his young days, so he does not leave the hospital, its a really cool place how they are caged in but with trees inside so they can easily leave the hospital when they chose if they chose to go back to the wild. Koala Hospital in Port Macquarie My first time driving on the wrong side of the road and steering wheel on the wrong side, shifter on wrong side, signal lights and wipers, wrong side. To many people they would call it the right side. I quickly got used to it, at least the pedals where the right way.
love the road signs
In Bulahdelah, found a fish on a stick Here are my traveling friends, Jackie from BC Canada and Clair from England. Great experienced backpackers I met in Sydney. We rented a campervan, a Re-location deal, we only had 10 days to bring it way up to Cairns.
leaving Sydney